ADK For Win 3.1 - Beta 3 README =============================== This README describes Beta 3 of IBM's port of JDK 1.0.2 to Windows** 3.1. WHAT'S NEW? =========== New in Beta 3 ============= Our redesigned network layer (using asynchronous socket calls) improves load times for complex remote applets and allows server programs to run correctly. Double clicking an error message in the ADKEdit output window now highlights the offending line in the source file. ADKEdit has been made NetRexx-aware. If you've installed NetRexx, you'll be able to compile .nrx files within ADKEdit. NetRexx is not shipped with the ADK and must be installed separately if required. Floating-point problems have been fixed; programs using the "Float" class now compile correctly. New in Beta 2 ============= WinG is no longer required. As a consequence, users no longer have to reset their systems to 256 colors in order to run applets and windowed Java apps; high color depths are now allowed. Transparent GIFs no longer cause traps. The ADK now runs nearly ten times faster than before for compute-bound applications. Console input is now supported; System.In.Read() now works. The long filename conversion tool HSLMappr has been replaced by two Java- based programs, ADKMapper and ADKCopy, which should run on all operating systems that support long filenames. New in Beta 1 ============= We've completely revamped the front end, replacing the old Workbench program with a suite of utilities: -- a file browser which works rather like File Manager, only with long filenames; -- an editor that allows Java tools such as the compiler and interpreter to be run on the file being edited; -- a console that receives "command-line" output from Java apps and applets. You can now create icons that invoke particular Java programs or URLs. A running Java program can be killed from the ADK Console. The debug versions of the Java executables (for example, java_g) are included. Audio is now supported. Garbage collection now works. Long filename support has been improved and you can now have long directory names too. The "page fault at termination" problem has been fixed. PREREQUISITES ============= This program runs on Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11. This program requires Win32s** v1.30. You can download this from Microsoft's FTP site: It does not work with earlier versions of Win32s. To view remote Java applets from a Web page, you must have TCP/IP installed. The ADK has been tested with Microsoft's TCP/IP-32 for Windows for Workgroups 3.11, but any WinSock-compliant TCP/IP should work. (You only need to have TCP/IP installed if you intend to view remote applets or to run a network-aware Java application.) You will need at least 8MB of memory. You may need a little more (say 10MB to 12MB in total) to view remote applets, depending on the particular TCP/IP stack you are using. You need at least 10MB of free disk space to install the ADK, in addition to the space required by Win32s. You will also need space for quite a large swapfile, especially if you don't have much RAM. A 386 processor is the absolute minimum; a 486 or faster is recommended. INSTALLATION ============ If you have installed an earlier version of the ADK, remove it using the Uninstall icon in its program group. Then: * Install Win32s. * Download the self-extracting install program ADKBETA3.EXE into a temporary directory and run it. You will be asked where you wish to install the ADK (C:\JAVA is the default). CONFIGURATION ============= * Run the "Configure AppletViewer" program from the ADK's program group. This will run the Applet Viewer and display a license document. If you accept the licensing conditions, select the "Accept" button. * Follow the instructions to configure the Applet Viewer. * Close the applet. USAGE ===== Read the User Guide (ADK.WRI) in the ADK Program Group. There are sample Java applications and applets in the DEMO subdirectory. KNOWN LIMITATIONS OF ADK BETA 3 =============================== * The ADK will not run on the Arabic or Hebrew version of Windows. * Only one instance of the Java virtual machine can be run at once. If you try to run a second instance while a previous one is still running, the second one will exit with an error message. * It takes a long time to load and initialise the Java virtual machine. Allow 15 seconds for an applet to start on a 486DX2-66. Running an applet from the Web will take longer because the class files must first be downloaded. * Busy applets or windowed applications sometimes ignore a request to close. Use the ADK Console's "Kill Process" facility to close them. * Programs that create large numbers of AWT objects may cause Windows to run out of system resources (system resources are very limited on Windows 3.1 compared to other Windows platforms). Programs should explicitly call dispose() for any AWT objects that are no longer required. * In the File Open and Save dialogs in ADKEdit, wildcards can be entered into the filename field to select which files should be displayed in the filename list. The files displayed in the list are those files whose actual DOS (short) filenames match the wildcard entry. * Dialogs created using Java's FileDialog class will display short DOS filenames rather than long names. * Images containing more than 256 colors are rendered with 256 colors only. FURTHER INFORMATION =================== Visit the IBM Centre for Java(tm) Technology Development web site for the latest news and information at: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright and trademark information Beta 3 of ADK for Win 3.1 (c) Copyright Sun Microsystems Inc, 1992-1996. All rights reserved. (c) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1996-1997. All rights reserved. This product is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG group. The Java(tm) technology is owned and exclusively licensed by Sun Microsystems Inc.. Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. US Govt Users Restricted Rights - Use duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. **Windows and Win32s are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other company names or products may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.