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Komprimierte Datei 17 Downloads bisher  17 Downloads
Ordner: Windows3x/  Windows3x/ Größe: 425.85 KB  425.85 KB
New Menus for Windows is a Windows-Shell and -Enhancement based on popup menus similar to OpenLook 3. Every time you push the right or middle mousebutton (or a Hotkey) a Popup-Menu appears for a quick access to your applications, documents, directories(!), tasks and Program- Manager groups, Windows API (or other DLL- functions) and keyboard macros. All menuitems are showed with icons, several graph. styles and can be grouped in submenus - as many and deep as you like, independent of resource needings. Every Menu you can stick with a needle on the desktop - also normal application menus!
Windows English-Norwegian,Norwegian-English Translator req vbrun200.dll
Tags: app,win16  app,win16 Dateidatum: 13.03.2015  13.03.2015
Ordner: Windows3x/  Windows3x/ Größe: 425.85 KB  425.85 KB
New Menus for Windows is a Windows-Shell and -Enhancement based on popup menus similar to OpenLook 3. Every time you push the right or middle mousebutton (or a Hotkey) a Popup-Menu appears for a quick access to your applications, documents, directories(!), tasks and Program- Manager groups, Windows API (or other DLL- functions) and keyboard macros. All menuitems are showed with icons, several graph. styles and can be grouped in submenus - as many and deep as you like, independent of resource needings. Every Menu you can stick with a needle on the desktop - also normal application menus! Windows English-Norwegian,Norwegian-English Translator req vbrun200.dll Tags: app,win16  app,win16
Dateidatum: 13.03.2015  13.03.2015 17 Downloads bisher  17 Downloads
