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Komprimierte Datei 15 Downloads bisher  15 Downloads
Ordner: Windows3x/  Windows3x/ Größe: 1.34 MB  1.34 MB
Telix for Windows v1.00 Telix for Windows includes support for over 450 models of modems, including many v.34 and v.FC ones; cost calculation and phone bill estimation; VT-220, WYSE-75, and full ANSI X3.64 terminal emulation in fully resizable windows; color scrollback; script recorder; built-in editor and much more! Disk [2/2]
Tags: app,win16  app,win16 Dateidatum: 13.03.2015  13.03.2015
Ordner: Windows3x/  Windows3x/ Größe: 1.34 MB  1.34 MB
Telix for Windows v1.00 Telix for Windows includes support for over 450 models of modems, including many v.34 and v.FC ones; cost calculation and phone bill estimation; VT-220, WYSE-75, and full ANSI X3.64 terminal emulation in fully resizable windows; color scrollback; script recorder; built-in editor and much more! Disk [2/2] Tags: app,win16  app,win16
Dateidatum: 13.03.2015  13.03.2015 15 Downloads bisher  15 Downloads
