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Komprimierte Datei 14 Downloads bisher  14 Downloads
Ordner: Windows3x/  Windows3x/ Größe: 615.97 KB  615.97 KB
WinNET Mail (tm) v2.04 - Direct access to the world-wide Internet and Usenet networks with powerful Windows MDI E-Mail System. Toolbar, Mail Folders, Message Search, Binary Transfer, Scheduling, Background Communications, Address Book, 57.6 Comm speeds, on-line help, easy to use. Low cost 800 number access to internet and automatic registration with WinNET gateway in Louisville, KY. Reviewed in PC Magazine.
Tags: app,win16  app,win16 Dateidatum: 13.03.2015  13.03.2015
Ordner: Windows3x/  Windows3x/ Größe: 615.97 KB  615.97 KB
WinNET Mail (tm) v2.04 - Direct access to the world-wide Internet and Usenet networks with powerful Windows MDI E-Mail System. Toolbar, Mail Folders, Message Search, Binary Transfer, Scheduling, Background Communications, Address Book, 57.6 Comm speeds, on-line help, easy to use. Low cost 800 number access to internet and automatic registration with WinNET gateway in Louisville, KY. Reviewed in PC Magazine. Tags: app,win16  app,win16
Dateidatum: 13.03.2015  13.03.2015 14 Downloads bisher  14 Downloads
