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Komprimierte Datei 17 Downloads bisher  17 Downloads
Ordner: Applications/Epson HX-20 stuff/  Applications/Epson HX-20 stuff/ Größe: 526.36 KB  526.36 KB
No original RF modulator or flopp disk station for your HX-20? No problem, use FlashHX20 and connect your HX-20 to your Windows PC, it will act as screen and drive. FlashHX20, the Epson HX-20 Floppy and Screen Emulator!
Tags: app,win32,win64,win_2k_xp  app,win32,win64,win_2k_xp Dateidatum: 21.10.2022  21.10.2022
Ordner: Applications/Epson HX-20 stuff/  Applications/Epson HX-20 stuff/ Größe: 526.36 KB  526.36 KB
No original RF modulator or flopp disk station for your HX-20? No problem, use FlashHX20 and connect your HX-20 to your Windows PC, it will act as screen and drive. FlashHX20, the Epson HX-20 Floppy and Screen Emulator! Tags: app,win32,win64,win_2k_xp  app,win32,win64,win_2k_xp
Dateidatum: 21.10.2022  21.10.2022 17 Downloads bisher  17 Downloads
