French Windows 2000 ONLY* ======================== Boot diskette for the 4600 Windows 2000 (3 Restore CD set NT/2000) You will get the following partition configurations: 1) FAT32 (full size) 2) FAT16 (2 Gigs) 3) Keep existing partitions To create the diskette: Open a Windows 95 / 98 Command prompt, and type "46002KFR A:" ex. C:\46002KFR A: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For English Windows 2000 Satellite Pro 4600, the standard recovery partition will be one full size NTFS primary partition. Configuration Builder Options: MS NT 4.0: C: 2GB (FAT 16) and D: NTFS (extended partition) MS 2000: C: FAT32 or NTFS (1 full size primary partition only) Additional Information: ======================= If NT 4.0 Workstation is chosen, the primary partition size will be 7.8GB NTFS. Note: Create the extended partition from Disk Management. DISCLAIMER ========== Trademarks are registered to their respective companies. Toshiba Canada Ltd. has done its best to ensure the accuracy of this information. Despite every effort to the contrary, errors, omissions, or discrepancies may have occurred in preparation of this document, and Toshiba Canada Ltd. assumes no liability for damages incurred due in part or in whole to such errors.